Generally, the term “censorship,” when applied to American laws, refers to the government's act of banning or altering media, speech, or performances. This is generally based on the presumption that such materials are, or will be, offensive or dangerous to the public.

In Australia, on the other hand, the substantive parts of the censorship laws, as set out earlier in this paper, would appear to exemplify by US standards most, if not all, these characteristics (pages 20-22). Australia′s newspapers go dark to protest censorship News Australia's newspapers go dark to protest censorship. A united campaign by Australian media organizations is calling for the government to better protect press freedoms. What Are Common American Censorship Laws? - Generally, the term “censorship,” when applied to American laws, refers to the government's act of banning or altering media, speech, or performances. This is generally based on the presumption that such materials are, or will be, offensive or dangerous to the public.

Feb 05, 2019 · Other criminal laws that could apply. Depending on the circumstances, some other criminal laws may also apply to cyber-bullying. For example: it is a crime under national and NSW law to log on to someone’s online accounts to access information or change anything without permission, or to commit a serious offence (e.g. to stalk or intimidate

Australia's censorship system is often the subject of controversy. In recent years there has been debate over the classification of films such as Hannibal , Lolita and Romance , as well as the proposal to replace the 'X' category with 'NVE' (non-violent erotica) and the introduction of Internet censorship. Censorship and Free Speech | Electronic Frontiers Australia

Unlike Australia which has a rather conservative censorship laws for all media, New Zealand's censorship law is fairly liberal. In fact, New Zealand is more lenient towards Sex, Nudity and Language but harsher on Violence (unlike Australia).

Dec 23, 2019 The books Australia banned - Australian Geographic Oct 02, 2018 Australian Media Outlets ‘Redact’ Front Pages In Protest in Australia, Censorship, Featured Story, Free Speech, Front Page Stories, International Affairs, News, press, Press Releases, protest, Uncategorized Australian news corporations are in full revolt after their parliament instituted new and heavier laws restricting reporting …