Request for Proposal for Programme Documentation and Situation Analysis at Hunger Free World Uganda. Deadline: 30 July 2020. Branch Manager-Logbook Finance Product Job at Platinum Credit (U) Ltd. Deadline: 31 July 2020. Consultancy services on External Audit for the period of three years starting 2020 Job at Uganda Women Entrepreneurs

in Uganda Abigail Barr University of Oxford y Marcel Fafchamps University of Oxford z Trudy Owens University of Nottinghamx August 2004 Abstract Using original survey data, we document the activities, resources, and governance structure of NGOs operating in Uganda. The NGO sector is funded primarily by international non-governmental The International HIV/AIDS Alliance, in partnership with MSU, Population Council, Stop AIDS Now, GYCA, and ATHINA, have secured funding from the Government of the Netherlands (BUZA) to implement a 3-year project aimed at enhancing the integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and HIV services. Inclusive, transparent and accountable governance is essential to people’s ability to own their future. Pact fosters such governance systems by empowering citizens and communities to speak their truth to power and by enabling government institutions to respond to citizens’ needs, deliver quality services and effectively manage public resources. Save the Children International is an international relief organization that was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other

Find documents, articles and resources about children's right to good governance. Child Rights Governance aims to support and if necessary put pressure on states to establish the systems necessary to make child rights a reality, and addresses the systemic, underlying and/or structural aspects that enable or hinder children’s rights.

Uganda needs good corporate governance for prosperity and economic gro wth to occur. Uganda has the potential to promote good corporate governance because the necessary mechanisms are in place. May 19, 2020 · The organization returned to Uganda in 1990 to respond to HIV and AIDS pandemic mostly in Western Uganda. Since then, Concern Worldwide has maintained a presence in the country and implemented a range of projects supporting good governance and the decentralization process, enhancing people. Civil Society Organisations and individuals in Uganda stop government from compulsorily taking citizens' land for oil & gas industry Water Governance Institute (WGI) was part of a team of national and international non-governmental organisations. Unfair Compensation and resettlement of the Oil industry affected communities

Jul 16, 2020 · The organization’s mission is to ignite women’s leadership, amplify their voices and deepen their activism in re-creating peace, and the vision is a world where women live in peace and recreate peace. Project title: Promoting women’s effective participation in peaceful electoral processes in Uganda

While the Gavi Secretariat oversees the day-to-day operations of the Vaccine Alliance, the Board is responsible for giving strategic direction and policy-making. Learn more about the people, policies and processes that govern Gavi. Alliance Board The Board of the Global Health Workforce Alliance is composed of a selection of the key stakeholders in human resources for health, as well as funders of The Alliance' activities. Board meetings occur twice a year. Find documents, articles and resources about children's right to good governance. Child Rights Governance aims to support and if necessary put pressure on states to establish the systems necessary to make child rights a reality, and addresses the systemic, underlying and/or structural aspects that enable or hinder children’s rights. ActionAid research shows how lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have unleashed a shocking surge in gender-based violence globally. But while violence is rising, women’s shelters are being shut down, countries are diverting funding to battle the pandemic and court closures are preventing survivors from accessing justice.